Thursday, September 3, 2020

Accounting Systems Designs and Development

Question: Talk about theAccounting Systems Designs and Development. Answer: Presentation Valle del Lili establishment a private non-benefit firm found in 1982 targets conveying tertiary clinical consideration. The association offers clinical consideration in excess of sixty clinical strengths. It likewise fills in as a showing emergency clinic where ICESI University clinical understudies get preparing. Starting at 2006 they left on a yearning plan of extending their administrations offering through the development on new offices holding new extra beds, crisis room and mobile assistance. As of December 2010, the quantity of beds after the eager activity had expanded by 60%. Henceforth, the development will in general put enormous focus on all patient conveyance system. Taking a gander at coordinated data framework viewpoints that VLF has taken care of well incorporate; the leader of the ICU has built up a kind of relationship with the full time specialists which will in general go about as a foundation for clinical consideration being given nonstop at the wellbeing community. Subsequently, this will in general be noteworthy in light of the fact that as there is combination in the data framework, it enables the specialists to comprehend nature of patients they serve; there are likewise other clinical pros planned to be either available or accessible if the need arises. Consequently, this makes each specialist practice great medication, advance their doctor aptitudes and grow exclusive requirements in the firm (Bumgarner, 2013). Recruiting of Compunet to execute SAP and create applications and need to complete application required to do the synapsis venture was an eager advance. It came out to be a significant factor since it would incorporate 2,200 end clients. Mapping out what they need to accomplish was a noteworthy advance; this is on the grounds that it built up a quick methodology where there is proficiency in flexibly chain the board, responsibility, keep up pro and adequacy of the human asset; whose business procedure was absolutely in-accordance with SAP usefulness. With respect to the controls that VLF set up in order to relieve the limiting powers of progress, they built up a driven target. More than electronic clinical records they coordinated the clinical and authoritative methodology through brought together image of the whole conveyance process. Thus, they met people's high expectations by venture administering. Here, part supervisor joined the synapsis group, as the officials boards of trustees were liable for all choices (Haggar, 2007). To keep away from the difficulties and keep up a fruitful progress, they included a wide scope of partners in the structuring group. Gomez states that he selected his best medical attendants who knew about conveyance method, both clinical and authoritative. The proposal created by Compunet of framing a cross-useful structure group of VLF subject will in general issue to specialists and part to experts. For this situation, each group was too driven by an advisor known as integrator who was considered answerable for the whole procedure (Wu Zhu, 2014). During different examples the CEO met consistently with synapsis board of trustees for appraisal of the undertaking progress, just as tackling stalemates that created between segment advisors and structuring groups. Henceforth, this was an indispensable advance to handle the difficulties rising as there is proficiency in the venture created (Craig, 2006). References Bumgarner, V. (2013).Implementing Splunk: huge information revealing and improvement for operational knowledge. Birmingham, Packt Pub. Su, D., Zhu, S. (2014).Advanced plan and production V Haggar, S. E. (2007).Sustainable mechanical structure and waste administration: support to-support for practical turn of events. Amsterdam, Elsevier Academic Press. Craig, R. L. (2006).The ASTD preparing and advancement handbook: a manual for human asset improvement. New York, McGraw-Hill.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

My Immortal Soul Essay Example for Free

My Immortal Soul Essay Plato has animated numerous perusers with crafted by an incredible logician by the name of Socrates. Through Plato, Socrates lived on ages after his time. A subject of Socrates that many will keep on talking about is the possibility of â€Å"an interminable soul†. In spite of the fact that there are different works and exchanges about this theme it is seen as best clarified in The Phaedo. Most would agree that the psyche may ponder when one passes on what precisely befalls the darling soul, the provider of life frequently thought of as the very substance of life does it live on past the body, or does it bite the dust with it? Does the spirit know about the past on the off chance that it truly does live on? In Plato’s The Phaedo, Plato describes Socrates last days before he is killed. Socrates has been detained and condemned to death for defiling the young people of Athens and not following the privileges of Athenian religion.[1] Socrates passing brings him and his kindred rationalists Cebes, Simmions, Phaedo, and Plato into a baffle discourse about this thought of an existence in the wake of death and what does one need to anticipate in the afterlife. Passing is characterized as the division of the body from the spirit. In The Phaedo passing has two ideas a typical one which is the essential thought that the spirit bites the dust and the physical, thought that the spirit isolates from the body in the afterlife. â€Å"The soul is most similar to that which is divine, godlike comprehensible, uniform, constant, and ever self-reliable and perpetual, while body is most similar to that which human, mortal is, diverse, ambiguous, dissolvable, and never self-consistent.† (Phaedo)[2] According to Socrates, information isn't something one came to see yet it was really engraved on the spirit. Information to Socrates was a constant everlasting truth, something that couldn't be obtained through understanding and time. Socrates companions accept that after death the spirit scatters into the air like a breath. On the opposite Socrates accepts that the spirit is in certainty unfading and in the event that one needs to turn out to be liberated from torment they approach to do so is to exclude themselves from the physical delights of the world. In this exchange Socrates and the thinkers investigate a few contentions for this thought of an undying soul. These contentions were to represent and check that passing isn't the withering of body and soul all things considered, however when the body kicks the bucket the spirit keeps on living on. Socrates offers perusers four primary contentions: The Cyclical Argument, which is the possibility that structures are fixed and outside. The spirit is the sole motivation behind life in this contention, and thusly beyond words it is additionally to be viewed as essentially ceaseless. Next is The Theory of Recollection, which demands that during childbirth everybody has information that the spirit experienced in another life. Implying that the spirit would have must be existent before birth to shoulder this said information. The Form of Life Argument presents that the spirit looks to some extent like what is intangible and faithful since it is unique. The body looks somewhat like the noticeable and the physical on the grounds that it is objective. The Affinity Argument possibly the easiest of all. It emphasizes Socrates contemplations of the body and soul, in saying that when the body kicks the bucket and disintegrates our spirit will keep on existing in another world.[3] Since the spirit is interminable it has been reused commonly, and has additionally experienced everything there is to encounter, for Socrates and Plato this thought of memory is a lot further than recollecting something once overlooked. Socrates sees information as something that can't be adapted yet the spirit reviews it as it is being reused. Getting a handle on the understanding that things come to be creatures by being made out of something prior and when stopped these parts will keep on existing. Concentrating on The Theory of Recollection, this is the case that information is inborn, and can't be scholarly. â€Å"What you said about the spirit. They believe that after it has left the body it no longer exists anyplace, however that it is demolished and disintegrated on the day the man dies.†(Cebes)[4] Socrates’ point for this contention is that our spirit with holds this information and we are brought into the world with it. In spite of the fact that we don't recol lect things before we are conceived it is said that certain encounters can in any case re stir certain parts of that memory. For instance in The Meno, Socrates raises a numerical issue to Menos slave kid, who doesn't have any earlier preparing in science. The kid thinks he realizes the appropriate response yet Socrates makes him see that his underlying speculation of the appropriate response isn't right. By absolutely posing inquiries, Socrates gets the slave kid to express the correct answer. Socrates demands that he has not told the kid the appropriate response, yet through scrutinizing the slave kid, Socrates helped him to remember the slave boy’s own insight into mathematics.[5] Furthermore Socrates additionally makes another case of memory by expressing if one somehow happened to interact with an image or a thing of a darling then it is easy to review said individual to the brain. This is the means by which memory works. On the off chance that we analyze this model and change certain parts of it, it doesn't turn out to be exceptionally clear either. In the event that an image of a cherished one was appeared to a more odd it is protected to state that the outsider would not have the option to review any contemplations, recollections or subtleties of the individual in the photo since they don't have any earlier information on said individual. All together for the outsider to do so they would have needed to been in associate with that individual in the photo at once or another. This demonstration of likeness is simpler for somebody who definitely knows the individual. Plato likewise utilizes a case of a vehicle expressing that before a vehicle is versatile there were parts that were made to transform it into a vehicle, for example, the motor, controlling wheel, and etcetera. He keeps on pointing out that much after the vehicle stalls that these pieces will at present stay to make the following vehicle. As indicated by Plato conventional items partake in this memory of non-romantic structures themselves; these things help to remembe r us non-romantic structures in light of the fact that the spirit once experienced it. He perseveres that the spirit more likely than not existed along these lines. Which are all approaches to emphasize that this thought information is engraved on the spirit may have legitimacy to it. Fundamentally there was time where just the spirit existed and it before long found a home in a body of another, making it now a human being(birth). Resurrection isn't just a resurrection of the spirit however the balance of the information one achieved before birth too. At that point there is where our from the earlier information appears to vanish possibly to return when it is reviewed. It is asserted that we lose our insight during childbirth; at that point by the utilization of our faculties regarding specific items we recoup the information we had previously. Nonetheless, this connection between the impression of reasonable articles and our ability of discovering information can create a progression of disarrays concerning whether it is conceivable to review all earlier information. The issue in this contention and certain parts of this idea of an interminable soul is that regardless of whether it were demonstrated that we were made up something before birth, and something will stay after death, it isn't for sure that it is the spirit. Through logical investigation it is comprehended that the body is likewise made of molecules it is additionally realized that particles existed before the body and will proceed with long after the body. The iotas that make up the body will in truth be reused too similarly as Socrates has the idea that the spirit lives on. Plato and Socrates were right on the possibility that specific parts were in pre-presence comes to make one existent and will exist in the afterlife. Albeit even with this thought one can't be sure that the spirit is one of the pieces of the body that is exclusively everlasting. There isn't sufficient data given by Plato or Socrates to make this contention get the job done. We should raise a request of for what reason is that so as to consider flawlessness we should have just needed to have seen it? Beside philosophical perspectives, in regular day to day existence we experience defects and it is sheltered to state that the brain is fit for thinking about what something of excellence, flawlessness, or an ideal hover seems, by all accounts, to be. The brain is likewise ready to consider these thoughts regardless of whether the spirit has never experienced it. In the event that these contentions demonstrate anything it demonstrates that The Theory of Recollection and The Cyclical Argument both validate that the spirit existed previously yet the contentions don't demonstrate that the spirit will keep on existing after this life. Works Cited 1. Cahn, M Steven. Works of art of Western Philosophy. Hackett Publishing Company, Inc 2006 2. Morgan, K, 2000, Myth and Philosophy from the pre-Socratics to Plato, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 3. Partenie, Catalin, Platos Myths, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2009 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = . (April 11th2010) [1] Cahn-Plato’s, The Phaedo [2] Quote from the rationalist Phaedo [3] Socrates hypotheses talked about by Plato [4] Phaedo 70a [5] Plato’s The Meno

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Great Gatsby, a novel of the past Free Essays

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a novel written before. The characters pursue dreams of things to come that are dictated by their past, which drives them to catastrophe. We will compose a custom article test on The Great Gatsby, a novel of the past or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now The hero, Jay Gatsby, has committed as long as he can remember to recovering the ideal past with his perfect partner, Daisy. Despite the fact that he accepts that reproducing the past is his life’s objective, this leaves a heartbreaking, shocking, and appalling closure of the novel. At the point when Nick Carraway, the storyteller, discloses to Gatsby that you can’t rehash the past, Gatsby answers, â€Å"Why obviously you can! † this is on the grounds that when he has a month of fun love with Daisy, he believes that that can contend with the years and encounters she has imparted to Tom, which was refuted when she concedes she is additionally still has affections for Tom. The impact of the outcry mark shows the passionate upheaval he has and misrepresents his fervor to win back Daisy, as it is his variant of the American Dream. Gatsbys chateau is a physical image of his affection for Daisy, he is sure that cash can reproduce his history with her. Gatsby utilizes his â€Å"new money’ to make a home that he thought equalled places of â€Å"old money’, which is amusing as the isolation between social orders is the thing that had removed her from him initially. The epic is told in a straight manner yet not in sequential request, it remembers numerous flashbacks and minutes for time. Despite the fact that there is an absence of confidence whether the storyteller is dependable or reliable, it includes authenticity as the reader’s life is additionally not in sequential request. The purpose behind this is on the grounds that Fitzgerald utilizes an impressionistic arrative strategy, where Nick attempts to understand the occasions in the story and remarks on them, which reflects a similar way we do as perusers. He centers around the past as he has in dread of things to come without Gatsby. There are indications and allegations that Nick is gay and in adoration with him. Greg Olear, in an article on The Weeklings, features that his depiction of Jordan Baker in Chapter One â€Å"could be a portrayal of a man† and â€Å"the word ‘small breasted’ which de-underscores the golfer’s female properties. This could clarify why he focuses on the past and admires it. Innovation assumes a major job in the novel in completion colossal chances and fates, particularly with Tom’s marriage and relationship. The pressure made in the novel when his home telephone rings is huge as despite the fact that we are not told who is calling, the peruser realizes it is Tom’s darling. This might be the explanation that Daisy feels obliged to take part in an extramarital entanglements as she is defying Tom. Another case of innovation is Gatsbys yellow vehicle which executes Myrtle. The portrayal of her passing is xtremely distinctive to make a picture in the reader’s cerebrum, â€Å"her left bosom was swinging free like a fold. † The noteworthiness of the image of her â€Å"left breast† is womanliness and parenthood. It is being ripped off her body as she kicks the bucket; deciphering that her gentility prompted her passing or that it had been detracted from her as a result of her lower class birth. The Lost Generation includes a gathering of scholars, including Fitzgerald, who during the First World War and the Great Depression moved to France, Paris, for its cheap average cost for basic items. gatsby-novel-questions/ Instructions to refer to The Great Gatsby, a novel of the past, Papers

General Principles of Criminal Liability Assignment

General Principles of Criminal Liability - Assignment Example What's more, whatever doesn't coordinate with such goodness is insidious or wrongdoing meriting discipline. Such a conviction is trailed by the general public overall and such good considerations think about wrongdoing as underhanded, mirroring an immediate relationship of the criminal law and ethical quality (Gilly, Gilinskiy and Sergevnin 2009). Jurisprudential positivists have attempted to concentrate on the way that law and ethical quality are isolated. The association among law and profound quality was predominantly upheld by the traditional regular law scholars. Anyway positivism mirrors a hypothesis that criminal law isn't related with moral. The positivists attempted their best to recognize law and profound quality however it could be gotten that in the event that the two were isolated, at that point all crossing points of criminal law and ethical quality would be dismissed. In this manner the idea of positivism according to cause a partition among law and ethical quality was seen as befuddling and henceforth in the end inadmissible (Legal Positivism of Law 2012). The intrinsic connection among law and profound quality has gotten progressively unmistakable. This is reflected in issues of gay marriage or privileges of premature birth where the criminal law dependent on English law can be believed to be supporting issues dependent on the ethical standards conveyed by the general public since the early occasions. One of the most well-known cases in the English law that ponders the connection between the criminal law and mortality is the Regina v. Dudley and Stephens Case. The case reflects upon two men and a kid who got abandoned at an ocean, and when they were practically passing on, the two men chose to murder the kid and gobble him up, considering the way that the kid didn't have a family as they did, and furthermore was starving. Be that as it may, post their salvage, the two men were charged by the court as blameworthy of the homicide and the law does n't have support for the reason they introduced (Regina v. Dudley and Stephens: Morality, Murder and the Criminal Law 2009). In the previously mentioned cases, the choices of the legitimate framework have essentially been founded on the ethical convictions of the general public. In this manner it tends to be said that despite the fact that the positivists attempted to recognize the two considering the way that the idea of the law should be extraordinary and independent of the ethical convictions of the general public; notwithstanding, it couldn't be accomplished and subsequently the natural connection of law and profound quality is predominant and can be altogether found in a few criminal cases in the current occasions. Arrangement 2: As far as legitimate conviction with respect to English law is worried, there are laws that decide the laws in the framework. There are specific control and approaches of all legal counselors that they use for goals of lawful issues. One of the fundame ntal points of the arrangement of point of reference is to build up lawful sureness. Thinking about the law of point of reference, the lawful framework should hold on what it has chosen a specific issue. This is otherwise called the precept of gaze decisis, where for instance, the choice taken by a High Court is forced upon the lower courts. Notwithstanding, such a lawful framework would just imply that in specific cases, the treatment for same wrongdoings or acts may become diverse subsequently bringing up the issue of unfairness, if the point of reference cases are not featured or diagramed while thinking about a present case (Perell 1987). As could be seen on account of Bell v Lever Brothers Ltd, the judgment was based

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Alluring Amontillado Essays -- Literature

The Alluring Amontillado Retribution is the demonstration of reprisal for an offense or injury caused to an individual by another. The demonstration of retribution can turn into an overwhelming and expending feeling that includes all aspects of someone’s presence. In â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado,† vengeance is the topic that runs all through the story and drives the intention in murder. The character, Montresor, utilizes vengeance as his thought process in murdering Fortunato. Fortunato is suggestive of a paternal character, which inspires excruciating recollections for Montresor. In disposing of Fortunato, Montresor expect the job that places him nearest to the expressions of love of a protective figure. Edgar Allan Poe’s life is intelligent of the inspirations of Montresor’s activities and how the Oedipus complex is highlighted in this short story. Edgar Allan Poe was conceived in Boston, Massachusetts in 1809 to guardians who were entertainers at the neighborhood theater. He never knew his dad, David Poe, who kicked the bucket in 1810 subsequent to surrendering Poe’s mother not long after Poe was conceived. His mom, who experienced utilization, passed on in Richmond, Virginia in late 1811, stranding Edgar, his more established sibling William Henry, and stepsister Rosalie. Not long after their mother’s demise, the youngsters were isolated and sent to family members or different families to be raised. Edgar had almost no contact with his kin after their mother’s passing. A grower and his significant other, who lived in Richmond Virginia, acknowledged Poe into their family, however never officially embraced him. From the childless spouse of Mr. John Allan, Edgar got broad fondness, yet it was impossible that she was ever ready to give all the warmth that he pined for from his expired birth mother. Mr. Allan respected Edgar with quiet fondness and for the most part offered cash instead of any physi... ... who was perpetually looking for that one subtle individual who could give him the approval he so needed. He seems to have set such a great amount of significant worth on the expressions of love of a mother who might perpetually be missing. Montresor, in Poe’s anecdotal story, was fruitful in submitting the vindictive deed he looked for. Fortunato, from his grave, always spooky the friendless soul of Montresor. Works Cited May, Charles E. Edgar Allan Poe: A Study of the Short Fiction. Boston: Twayne, 1991. Print. Poe, Edgar. â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado.† The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature: Reading, Thinking, Writing. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2012. 533-537. Print. Pruette, Lorine. A Psycho-Analytical Study of Edgar Allan Poe. The American Journal of Psychology 31.4 (1920): 370-402. JSTOR. Web. 31 Mar. 2012. .

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Sample Review on the Book of Alister McGrath

Sample Review on the Book of Alister McGrath Review on the Book of Alister McGrath Jul 16, 2019 in Book Review Introduction Alister McGrath begins his book Christianitys Dangerous Idea: The Protestant Revolution-A History from the Sixteenth Century to the Twenty-First with trying to provide an explanation of the essence of Protestantism. He states that Protestantism is not just a collection of doctrines, but a method in which the church operates and a particular way of cognition of the Holy Scripture. For this reason the widespread idea that every Christian can read the Bible, interpret it, reformulate it, and adapt the text of the Scripture according to his/her own understanding is one of the most dangerous ideas of the Protestant revolution (McGrath 2007, 2). In the current essay, an attempt to review the ways in which McGrath analyzes the history of this dangerous idea of self-interpretation of the Bible from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the modern days will be made. Alister McGrath is a historian, scientist, theologian, and author of numerous books. He got a doctoral degree in natural sciences in Oxford, where he majored in molecular biophysics and chemistry. McGrath also became the PHD in Divinity for his research in systematic theology and history. Brief Summary The book consists of three parts. In the first part, McGrath investigates the history of Protestantism, starting from the reformers like Calvin and Luther (McGrath 2007, 11). In the Origination section, he depicts the religious, political, and social atmosphere that was dominant during Luther's Reformation. The historical survey features the ideas of Swiss, French, German, and English reformers. The author continues his research with the Manifestation chapter, where he writes about the Bible as the highest authority in the Protestant canon. It is based on the sola Scriptura principle, which means that the Bible is everything an average Christian needs to worship God (McGrath 2007, 199). The relationship between a believer and God is explained with the sola Fide principle, which is translated as by faith only (McGrath 2007, 247). There is a detailed investigation into the political, cultural, and social issues that influenced the Protestant Reformation. Among the most dangerous ones, the author mentions Darwin's theory of evolution (McGrath 2007, 381). Limited Time Offer! Get 15% OFF your first order The last part of the book is called Transformation, and it investigates mainly the development of Pentecostalism and its rise in the Southern hemisphere (McGrath 2007, 415-430). McGrath ends the research with his prognosis about further development of Protestantism. He concludes that Protestantism is the method that determines the way the faithful use the Holy Scripture, pray, and believe in God. However, the individualization of faith often leads to adjusting the religious norms to the convenient reality, and it is the main danger for Protestantism. People often compromise with the Bible, and as the result, their motivation and life rules change for the worse. McGrath (2007) thinks that it is not wise to believe that every person without clerical guidance and classical education can understand all shades of the meaning that are present in the Holy Scripture (208). The history of the development of the Protestant thought, which is analyzed in the book, support this idea of dangerous individualism in Christianity. Critical Interaction The goals of the author become evident from the beginning of the book. He wants to show that Protestantism is the reaction of Christians to the state of the Catholic Church, and it led to the Reformation in a short period of time. Then, he emphasizes why it is not right to unite Protestantism and the Reformation. McGrath calls Protestantism a reaction to the reforming processes in the Catholic Church. The author also wants to analyze the ideas of the Protestant spiritual leaders and discuss the misunderstanding that is widespread nowadays. The last goal of the book is to provide a detailed scholarly and systematic research of the Protestant movement. McGrath creates a logical narration of the history of Reformation and begins it with the question who has the authority to define what the faith is (McGrath 2007, 3). A peculiar thing is that the author uses his knowledge in biology to explain the development of Protestantism. For example, he uses many analogies that compare faith to a living organism, which makes the narration vivid. McGrath introduces in interesting idea in his book that the Protestant innovation that icons are not among the indispensable parts of praying and the material objects cannot have spiritual significance, which has led to the overall desacralization. The development of atheism and natural sciences followed this disenchantment in the world, in lives and, in the end, in the Bible. However, it is difficult to correlate such things like the reformation of the Christian Church and the fact that atheism started to gain popularity. McGrath emphasizes that it is the Protestantism that has allowed the so-called dangerous idea to appear, and its influence can be found throughout all history. The book features an interesting theme of the connection between the theory of evolution and the Protestant Reformation. According to McGrath (2007), it is the Protestant religion that constantly re-evaluates the existing theories about the Holy Scripture (381). Four theories of creation are mentioned in the book: the evolutionary theism, the intelligent design, the old-Earth creationism, and the young-Earth creationism (McGrath 2007, 383-385). Much attention is also paid to the development of Pentecostalism. The Protestantism moved to the South and became popular among the dispossessed and poor layers of society, who were not interested in the high theological discussions and politics (McGrath 2007, 436). The author claims that the Protestantism has managed to become a global religion that is not based on extreme Eurocentrism and that has an ability to adapt to every cultural setting. It is difficult to argue with this statement, because the popularity of the Protestantism in Latin America and in Africa supports this idea with vivid examples. McGrath succeeds in proving his point of view. He analyzes the issue from all possible perspectives and gives logical arguments to support his claims that are often contrasted to other arguments. Such an ability to systematize, construct the information logically are among his most important strengths. In addition, McGrath is not afraid to combine the scientific and the theological points of view on reality, which is a serious step to make. Order now Live Chat It is possible to find numerous reviews on this book. It is possible to claim that the majority of them are of descriptive character rather than of the analytical one. The reviewers do not argue with the ideas, expressed by McGrath, because Christianitys Dangerous Idea can be called the systematic manual in the Protestant history, and it does not feature very provocative themes for discussions. Among the examples of such reviews is the one written by John Battle (n.d.), a professor of theology from Western Reformed Seminary. Rollin Shoemaker (2012) has also published a review in the International Journal for Pastors. The review of David van Houten (n.d.) can be found on the website of the Reformed Institute of Metropolitan Washington. It is possible to state that the book The Story of Christianity Volume Two: The Reformation to the Present Day (2010) by Justo L. Gonzalez can be compared to McGraths research. Both of them write about history in a broad sense, emphasizing the importance of the historical context in the development of religion. Both authors create a systematic review of the development from the beginning to the modern days. The only difference is that Gonzalez writes about Christianity in general, while McGrath focuses on the Protestantism. However, the messages of both books are quite similar: they assert that the influence of religion on society is great and without it, the norms become vaguer and the morality is in decay. McGrath helps his readers to understand better the essence of the Protestantism and systematize the knowledge about its development. As a theologian and a Christian, I can recommend this book to everyone who wants improve the understanding of the history of Protestantism or even to learn about it from the very beginning. The style of the writing, the content, and the abundance of vivid example make the book perfect for people with different level of knowledge on this theme. It is also necessary to mention the structure of the book, which makes the narration pleasant to read. The author asks questions and then answers them, so that it creates the atmosphere of talking with a pastor. Conclusion It is difficult to underestimate the impact the Protestantism had on the development of history. It changed societies, reformed the church, and even led to wars among the countries for almost five hundred years. The book by McGrath shows the way the Protestantism made from Luther to the Pentecostalism movement. Christianitys Dangerous Idea combines scientific and theological points of view, which makes the narration vivid. It is possible to state that McGrath has achieved all the goals he set in the beginning of the book. He asserts that without the strict religious guidance, the world is attacked by sins. The theory of evolution became one of the results of the dangerous ideas of Protestant revolution. McGraths book can become a comprehensive manual of the Protestant history both for the Christians who do not know much about the subject and a systematic guide to refresh and structuralize one more time the main points of the Protestant history for the theologians and scholars.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Chinese Market Entry Strategies Tentative Guide For MNES - Free Essay Example

Purpose and research methodology The Chinese market is a very wide and attracting one to all sorts of businesses. This was the main factor that drove me to choose the topic of entry strategies to china. In order to do so, I identified the subsequent keywords: entry modes, MNEs (multinational enterprises), investment, FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) and China. I used those keywords to search for relevant articles in peer reviewed journals. The latter were accessed through the databases provided by the Grenoble ecole de management. The databases used are the following: ABI inform global (ProQuest) Business source complete (Ebsco) Science direct (Elsevier) Emerald management plus (Emerald) Proper filters were applied along my search in order to correctly direct the results. A concrete example to this procedure was to limit the search to a certain period of time: from 1995 till the present. My search resulted finally in 15 articles from which I selected 8 to include in the systematic literature review (SLR). Please check appendix A for a more detailed explanation concerning the inclusion/exclusion criteria. Following the choice of the articles, I thoroughly read the chosen articles and drew a table summarizing the topics and their presence in the different articles. Please check appendix B for the detailed table generated. The table was a very useful tool that allowed me to trace easily the topics and write the relevant information in the following literature review. Literature analysis Introduction Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s growth rate during the past decades is appealing to MNEs to set up operations in the Chinese market. However, the cultural, social, political and economical environment is difficult to handle from the international firmsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ perspective. This point is crucial for international corporations Vis as Vis the choice of their entry mode to that particular market (Luo 2000). Since it opened up to the international market in 1979 and then entered the WTO in December 2001, the FDI rules in the popular republic of china are constantly changing. Multinational enterprises that are willing to invest in china have a lot of conditions and factors to take into consideration when studying their entry strategy. Entry modes and different strategies Equity joint ventures, EJV According to the EJV law, the foreign investorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s share must be at least 25%. Each partner is supposed to supply tangible (cash, material, facilitiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) assets and intangible (intellectual property rightà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) assets. The duration of the EJV according to Sino-foreign agreements is unlimited. Practically set to 50 years and extendable upon the mutual agreement of the multiple parties in the EJV (Luo 2000). According also to Luo and Chen(1995), this mode has many benefits: risk reduction, economies of scale and scope, improved local acceptance. The EJV assures a long-term relation between the foreign firm and the Chinese market. From the Chinese government perspective, EJVs helps the transfer of technology to the domestic partner, and thus this mode is favored from the Chinese authority point of view. The mentioned above authors state that these benefits are challenged by several factors: China is a really hard market, different in every location and extremely changing: the marketplace is dynamically changing and becoming more and more competitive. Also the distribution channels in china are not as developed as in the west, thus making it hard to supply correctly your product in China. Also, the negotiations with the Chinese present several difficulties and become a burden to foreign companies (demanding the state-of-the-art technology when the adequate infrastructure is nonexistent) and the domestic partner often tries to avoid cash funding, presenting land and existing facilities instead (Luo 2000).According to Luo and Chen (1995), EJV are faced by several difficulties: these complexities are relevant especially in the field of operation and management since the outcome of the company depends heavily on intangible variables (personalities, cultures, etc). Establishing a joint venture in china means that you established a legal local entity (Cheung and Leung 2007). This entity will allow you to conduct business. Cheung and Leung (2007) also agreed that for MNCs to have business growth in china, they should have a physical presence in the Chinese market. But the licenses for a joint venture are difficult to obtain; hence even if they are preferred over some entry modes, it is difficult to be eligible for a JV. Wholly foreign-owned enterprise, WFOE Luo (2000) stated that this entry mode offers the foreign investor more flexibility and more expandability potential, avoiding the drawbacks of an uncooperative domestic partner. WFOE are established faster than EJVs since the Chinese authorities are bound to reply to a proposal within 30 days. This type of entry mode is offering little technology advancement for china and is therefore we see that the Chinese authority is always in favor of an EJV over a WFOE. In order to fight it, the Chinese set up several rules and regulations in order to complicate the process, especially in some sectors like the automotive and telecommunication sector. Despite the regulations that are making it the setup of a WFOE in china difficult, the rules can be tailored depending on what the foreign company is offering of value to the Chinese government. Some sectors totally forbid the setup of a WFOE; however the Chinese are opening up more and more and will therefore allow WFOE in some new industries. An other drawback is that the Chinese are reluctant to the idea of foreign companies taking over their country. Adequate decisions like appointing locals in managerial positions are crucial to the success of the setup of the WFOE: Motorola employs only Chinese managers. Moreover, a foreign company will rarely succeed in a foreign environment, especially like in the surroundings of china, and therefore will have to cooperate in a certain way with the locals which will make the situation more viable for the WFOE. (Luo 2000) Puck, Holtbrugge and Mohr (2007) concurred with the same definition concerning the joint ventures and the WFOEs. According to Luo and Chen (1995), a WFOE offers is better seen as a mode that restrict opportunistic behavior and is therefore more controllable than an EJV. The holder of a WFOE has a greater bargaining power over the domestic government. For Luo and Chen, a WFOE is more probable to do better than the EJV concerning financial risk aversion. Contractual joint ventures, CJV Luo (2000) explained what differs between EJV and CJV is that the profits and other responsibilities are assigned to each partner according to what is agreed upon in the contract and not necessarily proportional to the total capital contribution by the partners in the EJV. The CJV is often used in joint exploration projects (oil exploration is an example). Concerning liability, a CJV has the choice between having limited or unlimited liability (Vis a Vis the capital invested in by the partners) versus the EJV that is bound to the limited liability. CJVs with unlimited liability do not require the foreign investor to contribute a minimum of 25% of the total registered capital. For Luo (2000), both CJV and EJV have import tax exemptions on imported equipment used as part of the capital invested in. CJV has a greater flexibility versus EJV regarding managing assets, production and operation. This is a great advantage for foreign investment since it gives the MNEs greater flexibility. A CJV may allocate profits in cash and in operation output (petrol in the case of oil exploration) versus the EJVsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ restriction to cash distribution. It is a great advantage to build-operate-transfer businesses and will keep its advantage in the foreseen future (Luo 2000) For Zhang, Zhang and Liu (2007), joint ventures are the most adequate entry strategy from the perspective that it minimizes the environmental risk and helps acquiring the resources of the domestic associate. But also according to Zhang, Zhang and Liu (2007), this method has its drawbacks from the perspective of that the foreign investor takes the risk of having opportunistic behavior from the domestic partner. Shapiro, Tang and Ma (2007)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s article talks about three main categories of FDI in china. They defined EJVs, CJVs and WFOEs the same way that Luo (2000) did.Teng (2004) argued that joint ventures have been the way of entering the Chinese market. However he states that wholly owned subsidiaries are becoming more and more appealing because of the fact that the foreigners are in more control that the Chinese compared to a joint venture. Umbrella companies Luo (2000) explained that the proliferation of MNCsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ operation in china has led to the necessity of a sort of simplifying structure. The MNCs opted for what is called an umbrella enterprise or also known as investment company or holding company. The advantage of such structure over the traditional structures is that the holding is able to combine all existing investments (sales, procurement, manufacturing and maintenance) under one umbrella; it also eases the establishment of new investments. This model is mostly effective for multi-disciplinary companies that are using several entry modes adequate to each division. For Luo (2000), the model eases profitsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ transfer among the different business units of the same company for strategic purposes and also transfer of the profits outside the host country. The holding model helps the foreign investor centralizing the management of his various businesses and this helps in removing several operating barriers. The facilities for the strategic business units (SBU) provided by this model can be used without special approval from the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation provided that the investment company hold at least 25% of the SBUà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s equity capital. However this model does not entitle the company to do whatever business it wants. And to establish such holding, foreign companies should have at least two foreign-invested enterprises (FIE). In order to benefit from the holding model, companies are subject to various criteria and conditions according to Luo (2000): minimum total asset value of US$400 million in the year prior to its application established one or more FIEs in which it has contributed at least US$10 million in registered capital A minimum of 10 FIEs in China established whose activity is based on manufacturing or infrastructure construction and that contributed at least US$30million in registered capital. The Chinese tax authority treats the holding company and its several FIEs as independent companies. Acquisitions According to Luo (2000), it is a relatively easy method, consisting of acquiring local or foreign businesses. This method has its advantages in entering sectors that were exclusive to the government. China acknowledged its lack of technological advance, satisfactory capital and management expertise. The acquisition of companies in the mentioned sectors by foreigners is seen as a complementary activity to what the Chinese are doing for their development. This policy is a long-term plan. Luo (2000) argues that this strategy is considered advantageous for the foreign investors since these acquired domestic companies have a great profitability potential with the right management and proper technology usage. The profitability of such companies if existent or will be existent has the tendency to come faster than in an EJV or WFOE; the reason for that is fairly simple: the companies have an already built capacity and are not startups. Such companies are mostly attractive when their market i s a niche market. Proper information concerning the company and its liabilities should be well researched and investigated in because the ownership procedure can be an obstacle. The Chinese corporate law does not let a minority shareholder to have a say in the management of the company. Attention should be taken in all cases since the Chineseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s culture of state is very strong and privatization by foreigners may be clear on paper but the practicality of this transfer is not well under control (Luo 2000). Zhang, Zhang and Liu (2007) stated that the acquisitions of domestic firms are the fastest way to set foot in the domestic market, but is burdened by several factors including cultural clash and overpayments due to reluctance of the authorities regarding this entry strategy of foreign firms into the Chinese market since it means that the foreigners fully own the firm. For Teng (2004), the acquisitions have numerous appealing benefits: fast entry strategy that allows the foreigners to acquire the already existing resources of the firm and it means that the foreigners do not start from scratch. These benefits are challenged by the potentially very high cost of the operation of merger or acquisition. Exporting Exporting is a way of reaching the Chinese market with minimal cost regarding the exit strategy in case of the occurrence of some problem. (David, Yigang and Kevin 1997). According to Teng (2004), exporting is an entry strategy that allows the MNE to operate in the domestic market without having the trouble of a setting the business in china: it is fast, has a limited entry cost and risk and allows the total control of the foreigners concerning the operations they wish and can undertake in the Chinese market. Representative offices According to Luo (2000), if a certain foreign investor is risk-averse, depending on his business, he can choose the strategy of opening representative offices. This entry mode helps getting acquainted with the domestic market, building the firmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s connections and reputation. Several conditions bound this type of entry strategy: its activities are fairly limited to non-commercial, product promotion, market research and negotiations on behalf of the headquarters of the company abroad. For Luo (2000), with these limitations come advantages such as flexibility, non bounding commitments with domestic partners and openness towards multiple sectors that are not as easily available when using different entry modes. Since the structure is moderately simple compared to other strategies, it is easier to close the office if a reason to do that occurred. Several disadvantages should be taken into account: startup cost might be difficult to preserve. It is a relatively small office whose business is quite big, and with little resources is hard to sustain, especially that the office cannot issue invoices to his domestic customers. Quick review on some other options Branch offices: the action of opening branches in several regions of the country (Luo 2000). Build-operate-transfer (BOT): useful in the utilities sector, to do a certain project and then move on (Luo 2000). Franchising and licensing: to profit from a large market without committing large funds, giving the subsidiary in the host country a package of resources and rights to exercise the business (Luo 2000). Greenfield investments are also a way to enter a market according to Zhang, Zhang and Liu (2007) and this mode consists of investing in virgin lands from scratch. It also means that the foreigners are the exclusive owners of the firm and that is why the Chinese authorities are reluctant vis a vis this foreign strategy. Conclusions and results The authors mostly agreed regarding their results and conclusions. Before 1997, joint ventures were the predominant entry strategy used by MNEs to enter the Chinese market. After 1997, MNEs preferred to establish WFOEs: it is explained by the fact that the Chinese authorities changed their regulations concerning numerous sectors and hence facilitated the creation of WFOEs that are more beneficial to the foreign investors. (Puck, Holtbrugge and Mohr 2007) According to the table below, provided by Zhang, Zhang and Liu (2007), we can see that the entry strategy of companies in china has changed from joint ventures to WFOEs also known as FIE. This conclusion is concurring with what the other authors are saying about the current situation of market entry in china. The entry mode choice depends on a choice affected by the tradeoff between the amount of risk affordable versus the return expected proportionally to that risk, and mostly firms tend to minimize the risk. The authors also point that that the entry mode should be dynamic and not static to one strategy (Zhang, Zhang and Liu 2007). It is the strategy of using sequential FDI, i.e. the strategy changes dynamically in response to what is more adequate to the firm. This approach agrees to what Cheung and Leung (2007) said. WOFEsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ share in FDI rose to 35% in 2000. CJVsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ share decreased until 1995 and EJVsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ share is more stable but declining a bit declining: it had 43% of FDI in 2000 (Shapiro, Tang and Ma 2007). Companies at first try to open a representative office, to test the waters of the market and then attempt a joint venture for a better exploitation of the Chinese market (Cheung and Leung 2007) According to Luo and Chen (1995), the mo de of entrance is correlated to the strategy of the firm. If the foreign investors are aiming to reduce the risk and are opting for an optimal asset management, a WFOE is more adequate to their goals than a JV. However if their goal is pursuing local market share, a JV is more conventional. For David, Yigang and Kevin (1997), on a statistical approach, examining 2998 foreign operations in the Chinese market they found that 35% of the companies relied on exporting for their entry mode, 20.8% on licensing, 41.5% on joint ventures and 2.7% on wholly owned subsidiaries. Teng (2004), is agreeing with Luo and Chen (1995): JVs are better if the foreigners are in need of the local resources. However if they are aiming a better control of the firm, they ought to opt WFOEs. He also adds that the fastest solutions are exporting and acquisitions. The latter is more costly and in more need of commitment than exporting. Appendices Appendix A: References Included articles Luo, Y, (2000), Entering China today: what choices do we have?, Journal of global marketing, vol. 14. 1/2, 2000, pp.57-82. Puck, J. Holtbrugge, D. Mohr, A, (2007), Beyond entry mode choice: explaining the conversion of joint ventures into wholly owned subsidiaries in the peoples republic of China, Journal of international business studies, vol. 40. , pp.388-404. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu, Z, (2007), Choice of entry modes in sequential FDI in an emerging economy, Management Decision, vol. 45. 4, pp.749-772 Luo, Y. Chen, M., (1995), Financial performance comparison between international joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises in Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, the international executive, vol. 37. 6, pp.599-613 David, K. Yigang, P. Kevin, Y, (1997), How MNCs choose entry modes and form alliances: the China experience., journal of international business studies, vol. 28. 4, pp.445-474 Cheung, F. Leung, W. , 1st Initial, (2007), International expansion of transnational advertising agencies in China: An assessment of the stages theory approach., international business review, vol. 16. , pp.251-268 Shapiro, D. Tang, Y. Ma, C, (2007), Mode of Entry and the Regional Distribution of Foreign Direct Investment in China, journal of Chinese economic and business studies, vol. 5. 3, pp.261-277 Teng, B, (2004), The WTO and Entry Modes in China, international business review, vol. 46. 4, pp.381-400. Note that the article are numbered for the sole purpose of the comparison table in appendix B Excluded articles and reasons of exclusion Zou, P. Wong, A., (2008), Breaking into Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s design and construction market, journal of technology management in China, vol. 3. 3, pp.279-291. Reason: this article is focused on a certain industry and do not bring relevant value to the studied topic. Claver, H. Quer, D., (2005), choice of market entry mode in China: the influence of firm-specific factors., journal of general management, vol. 30. 3, pp.51-70. Reason: this article was addressing the issue of characteristics of firms and was not stressing on the entry strategy Ling, F. Ibbs, W. Cuervo, J, (2005), Entry and business strategies used by international architectural, engineering and construction firms in China, construction management and economics, vol. 23. , pp.509-520. Reason: this article is focused on a certain industry and do not bring relevant value to the studied topic. Beamish, P. Jiang, R., (2002), Investing Profitably in China: is it Getting Harder?, long range planning, vol. 35. , pp.135-151. Reason: this article discusses profitability and not entry strategies. Gaba, V. Pan, Y. Ungson, G, (2002), Timing of Entry in International Market: an Empirical Study of U.S. fortune 500 firms in China, journal of international business studies, vol. 33. 1, pp.39-55. Reason: this article discusses too specific firms and is not tackling the entry modes in a deep manner Burgers, W. Padgett, D., (2009), understanding environmental risk of IJVs in china, management international review, vol. 49. 3, pp.337-358. Reason: this article is tackling only one entry mode which is joint venture. It does not help the purpose of this SLR. Bontempi, M. Prodi, G., (2009), Entry strategies into China: The choice between Joint Ventures and Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises An application to the Italian manufacturing sector., International Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 18. , pp.11-19. Reason: this article is focused on a certain industry and do not bring relevant value to the studied topic Appendix B: comparative table of included articles This table represents the article included and the topic discussed in the article, i.e. every topic that is ticked means that it is discussed in the respective article Article Topic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EJV X X X X X X X X CJV X X X X X X X WFOE X X X X X X X Umbrella X Acquisition X X X X Exportation X Other* X X X X *other can include: branching, representative offices, Greenfield investment, BOT, franchising, licensing, etc.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Social Problems, Poverty, Housing, Immigration,...

The Peel Region of Ontario is growing fast with a population of 1.4 million people. It resides in Southern Ontario to the west of Toronto and consists of Brampton, Mississauga, and Caledon. This region has a very diverse community and has the second largest population in Ontario. As a large population which receives 27,000 new people annually there can be many social problems that can arise in a large community like Peel (Dale 2015). In this piece of writing, I will discuss the following five social problems, poverty, afforable housing, immigration, infrastructure and goods movement, and senior healthcare. I will also suggest a few social policies that I believe can address three major issues mentioned above. Peel’s low-income population is increasing as people are faced with unemployment and other stess-induced dilemmas. As a matter of fact, 12.6% of people are living in low-income, which is the second highest in the GTA (Dale 2015).  ¬ Therefore, it is appropriate to say that poverty is one of the key issues in the Peel Region. Furthermore, the unemployment rate remains high at 8.2% and its youth unemployment rate at 18.7% (Dale 2015). Since, many people are losing their jobs and remain unemployed this leads to them being unable to properly provide for their families or themselves. Poverty does not just affect the individual or the family itself, it also negatively impacts the wider community. There were 61,300 children who lived in poverty during 2006 (Berghezan 2008)Show MoreRelatedMexico City Dominates The Whole Country s Economy1407 Words   |  6 Pagesmanufacturing, and contains about 45 percent of the nation s industrial production. Manufactures include textiles, chemic als and pharmaceuticals, electrical and electronic items, steel, and transportation equipment. 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Monday, May 18, 2020

The Theme Pride in Moby Dick - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1472 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/05/08 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Moby Dick Essay Did you like this example? Throughout the novel, Moby Dick, by Herman Melville, the theme pride, or hubris, can be followed from the beginning to the end. It did not take long to see that Captain Ahab had a heart that was driven by revenge and because of that strong drive the Pequod was destroyed and all but one of the crew members. Ahabs sense of pride and longing to search for the White Whale, the Evil of the Earth, Moby Dick caused him to commit the ultimate sin, being prideful. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Theme Pride in Moby Dick" essay for you Create order When Moby took Ahabs leg, Ahabs life turned completely around but for the worse. Ahab had once lived what most would consider a normal life to a life full of revenge and turmoil. He believed he was doing good for the world but in all actuality, he became evil and twisted and ultimately turned his back on God by following a path that Satan himself would walk. This story started slowly at first and the twisted relationship between Ahab and Moby Dick was not very noticeable but as the book progressed the evil grew and the full presence of the devil could be felt and seen in each move that Ahab and Moby Dick were making. Although one of Captain Ahabs drives was revenge, his pride was the death of him because of his infatuation with acquiring the accomplishment of killing Moby Dick, the white whale. Pride killed Captain Ahab. Herman Melville was an American novelist who was born in New York City on August 1st, 1819, to Allen and Maria Gansevoort Melvill (it wasnt until Marias husbands death that they added an e to the name). When Herman was just a young child he fell ill to scarlet fever and his vision was left permanently impaired. He had a good life though because his father was a successful high-end importer and merchant. Although the family enjoyed a prosperous life, Allan had borrowed heavily to finance his business interests. In 1830 the family moved to Albany because Allan was attempting to branch into the fur trade but the business failed and the familys fortune took a significant hit. After the sudden passing of his father and continued financial struggles with his family, Melville took to sa iling with merchants for work. He enjoyed working on the ship, but did not dedicate himself to the sea immediately (Melville, Herman. Pullman Strikes Out Introduction, after the first time he sailed. He kept working in other ways to try to help his family. Because he never found the work he could enjoy, he returned to sailing with whalers. Once he returned home, his family was much more stable financially and they encouraged him to take up his passion for writing. With their support, Herman recorded his tales of the South Seas and began to seek out a publisher (Melville, Herman. Pullman Strikes Out Introduction, He wrote two novels that were successful, Typee in 1846 and Omoo in 1847 but his subsequent book, Moby DIck (his masterpiece) in 1851 sold very poorly. Melville knew he had to keep working so he delivered a series of lectures throughout the late 1850s. The following decade Melville began a 20-year career as a customs inspector in New York City and he also turned his creative interests to poetry during this period and published a collection called Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War in 1866. Finally, In 1876, he published the grand Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land that was based on a previous trip to the region. Following his sudden death of an apparent heart attack in New York City in 1891, he posthumously came to be regarded as one of the great American writers. Before his dea th, he was working on a novel and although his popularity had vanished at that point, his books were reprinted and he slowly started becoming popular in the literary world. By the 1920s, Melville had become a well-known figure among readers and critics alike and his last novel was published in 1924 as Billy Budd, Sailor. Today, we regard Herman Melville as one of Americas greatest writers, his masterpiece Moby-Dick adapted for the big screen in 1956. School reading lists still have Melvilles work and interest in his works spiked again in 2015 with the release of the Ron Howard-directed, In the Heart of the Sea, about the ill-fated voyage of the Essex. The novel, Moby Dick, was written in 1851 and tells the story of a sailor named Ishmael and his experience on a whaling ship. The novel was written during the Antebellum Period in the United States of America, a very chaotic time in American history. The Antebellum Period marks the years leading up to the Civil War. During the years leading up to the Civil war, there was a significant divide between races, where many of the Caucasians in America wanted to keep the African Americans enslaved. Many claimed that the Constitution of the United States sets out with the declaration that slaves are property(Secession Era Editorials Project. Furman: New Railroa d Mileage, 1850-1860 (by Region), menu%2Bsequence=dsmenulocation=%3E%2BDred%2BScott%2BDecision%2B) Being that the novel was written during the Antebellum Period, it could be argued that the white whale symbolized the inevitability of the monoculture of whiteness to devastate the nation (Kouroubetes, Michael Moby-Dick: From a Multi-genre, Multi-Cultural Perspective, IUSB Graduate Journal, /index.php/iusbgrj/article/download/22103/28057/). Although pride can be seen in multiple characters, the character that pride follows mainly is Captain Ahab, the captain of the whaling ship Ishmael was on. Captain Ahabs character was formed in the image of the King Ahab in the bible. King Ahab in the bible was known for the evil he did in the sight of the Lord (1Kgs 16:30-33) (Eric Ziolkowski, Melvilles Ahab, n.p. [cited 22 Nov 2018]. Online: https://www.bibleodyssey .org:443/people/related-articles/melvilles-ahab). Captain Ahabs enormous amount of pride is seen in his own quest to vanquish the white whale (Eric Ziolkowski, Melvilles Ahab, n.p. [cited 22 Nov 2018]. Online: -articles/melvilles-ahab). Captain Ahab did not name himself (Melville 264). Although Ahab may seem arrogant because of how he placed himself on a pedestal, I believe this goes back to his pride. Ahab did not show his face for so long, only because he felt he was better than everyone because of his lifes accomplishme nts. He was, clearly, a veteran to the sea and he felt that made him better than everyone else. His position of authority and his ailment of missing a leg built upon his pride. Ahab in all his thoughts and actions ever had in view the ultimate capture of Moby Dick (Melville 681). After Ahab showed himself, his fiery pride was quite evident in his actions and behavior. He felt such a strong need for revenge and had built a pride within himself based on his personal need to take down Moby Dick. He wanted to have the achievement of killing Moby Dick and he would not rest until that was accomplished. What ultimately builds such a strong case for pride in this quote is that he was not thinking what if I kill Moby Dick, he knew that he was going to do it. He felt that he was the king of the sea and nothing could stop him from defeating Moby Dick. In his fiery eyes of scorn and triumph, you then saw Ahab in all his fatal pride. (Melville 1663). What becomes apparent is that the ship was no longer being led with thought, Ahabs willpower and pride were leading it. Had he not had such a deep infatuation with killing Moby Dick, he would have survived, as would have t he rest of his crew. He felt no remorse towards the lives of his crew being lost because he saw himself as superior. Ahab seemed an independent lord (Melville 1717). The way Captain Ahab carried himself with his pride was evident to everyone on the ship. He made his superiority clear by leading the ship and his crew to their demise to fulfill what his pride yearned so deeply for. Ahab created an image of himself as an almighty being equal to God. As the theme pride is followed, it is apparent that it is extremely hazardous, and cost Ahab not only his life but his entire crews lives as well. Older people can sometimes be heard saying, Idle hands are the Devils tools, and I think this can be applied to the novel because Ahab proved that The Devil will drive a man without a drive. While Ahab sat idly seeking revenge, the Devil planted seeds of pride within him which caused Ahab to become the evil man he was.

Monday, May 11, 2020

A Cursory Look at the Fort William Henry Massacre - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1298 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/08/15 Category Literature Essay Level High school Topics: The Last of The Mohicans Essay Did you like this example? A major highlight of the war between Great Britain and France in their respective bid to dominate North American territory originally occupied by the Native Indians is the massacre at Fort William Henry. Although some of the characters and events used by Cooper in his novel the Last of the Mohicans were fictitious, he gave account of the unfortunate massacre in the battle for domination of the Native American territory between Great Britain and France at Fort William Henry in 1757. The author brilliantly succeeded in highlighting the intrigues and betrayals that characterized the battle. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Cursory Look at the Fort William Henry Massacre" essay for you Create order The events that led to the unfortunate massacre and the roles played by some actual characters from both the British and French side as narrated in the Coopers novel will be briefly discussed in this essay. A fierce but inconclusive battle at the southern end of Lake George prompted the British to build a fort at that end; called Fort William Henry(Eggington). The name of the fort was symbolic since it was named after a British King to symbolize her authority over the area. Colonel Munro oversaw command of the Fort. Munro was described as a father with two daughters namely Alice and Cora who played important fictional roles in the novel. Under the command of Colonel Munro, Fort William Henry was made up of two thousand soldiers while General Webb had three thousand soldiers under his command at Fort Edward. (Eggington). The occupation of the southern end of Lake George by Great Britain angered the French who viewed it as humiliating since they have for over a hundred years considered the lake as their heritage and therefore were determined to engage Great Britain in a confrontation to regain possession of Lake George. Below is an image of Lake George as shown in Fig.1 The French in a bid to regain possession of Lake George, began a fort at the north end of the lake which they named Fort Carillon but later renamed it Fort Ticonderoga. Under the command of Major General Louis-Joseph de Montcalm, the French comprising of seven thousand troops with the support of Native Indians fought and besieged the British force at Fort William Henry. General Montcalm will be historically remembered mostly for his success at the Fort William Henry(Eggington). The author elaborated the French bombardment of the British forces at Fort William Henry using the support of the Huron tribe led by a fictional character Magua; whose qualities and attributes in the novel could qualify him to be described as the Prince of Darkness. The French struck damaging blows to the British Forces with the support of Magua through deception and intrigues which Magua showed by betraying the trust placed on him to lead the Munro daughters to safety, rather he led them to ambush and held th em captive. Overwhelmed by the presence of French troops which outnumbered the British force in Fort William Henry, Colonel Munro in a desperate bid to survive the imminent attack, sent a message to Fort Edward begging for support and reinforcement which was intercepted by the French troops led by Montcalm(Eggington). Cooper in his novel captured the event by narrating how Munro sent Hawkeye, (a scout who fought alongside the British against the French and her Huron allies) to Fort Edward with a message begging for reinforcement but was intercepted by the French troops who sent him back to Fort William Henry without the letter. Below in Fig.2 is a portrait of the Commander of the French troops, Louis-Joseph de Montcalm The inability of the garrison headed by Colonel Munro at Fort William Henry to receive reinforcement from Fort Edward weakened the troops. The French and their Indian allies laid siege at Fort William Henry for three days. Montcalm succeeded in deceiving General Webb in charge of British forces at Fort Edward through a French deserter to erroneously believe that French army led by General Montcalm were made up of eleven thousand strong men. This deception led to the refusal of General Webb to send reinforcement to Fort William Henry and ultimately resulted to the unfortunate massacre of the British forces in fort William Henry. General Webb will be historically remembered for this action which was viewed by Colonel Munro as a monumental betrayal(Eggington). Although, he was not a major character in The Last of the Mohicans by James Fennimore Cooper, the author highlighted the inability of General Webb to send support to Fort William Henry when it was most needed as one of the hallmar ks of British defeat and massacre at Fort William Henry. General Montcalm capitalized on the weakness of the British forces in Fort William Henry and the support of his Indian allies to negotiate British surrender. General Montcalm in an attempt to convince Colonel Munro on the need to surrender to avoid further loss of lives, showed him refusal letter for the requested reinforcement by General Webb and demanded the surrender by the British forces with the terms that the British soldiers together with their wounded soldiers, women and children to be escorted back to Fort Edward with the condition that British forces withdraw from the war for eighteen months. Unfortunately the acceptance to surrender by Munro who expected the French to keep to their own side of the surrender terms led to the exposure of the troop to the attack by almost 2000 Native Indians which led to the massacre of the British troop including women and children. Cooper described the betrayal of the surrender terms in his novel where Montcalm despite the terms of agreement which includes to safely lead the British back to Fort Edward couldnt restrain her Huron allies led by Magua to attack the British in order to satisfy them on their revenge mission against the British. Magua in the novel the Last of the Mohicans was determined to seek revenge against Colonel Munro for turning him into an alcoholic which made him to initially lose leadership of the Hurons. Alice and Cora with others were taken captive by Magua (Cooper, the Last of the Mohicans). Cooper by so doing exposed the ulterior motive of the Native Indians during the Fort William Henry battle which was to regain their lost spiritual power. The Native Indians believed they lost their spirituality due to the influence of the British. Diversity in the Indian camp made it difficult for the French troop to effect restrain on the part of the Indians, The Native Indians sabotaged the agreement so as to seek revenge and benefit from the spoils of war.Munro will be historically remembered for his inability to defend the troops under his command which led to the massacre. Below in Fig.3 is symbolic image of the massacre at Fort William Henry. In conclusion, the massacre of the British Troops at Fort William Henry was significant in exposing the different war strategies adopted by both Great Britain and France in the battle. Great Britains neglect of the Native Indian forces resulted in the disgrace and defeat of Britain in the battle. However, France capitalized on her trading partnership with the Native Indians, and sometimes offer of inducements to win their loyalty and support to fight and defeat of Britain in the battle. Works Cited Cooper, James, Fennimore, The Last of the Mohicans-a Narrative of 1757 Eggington, Richard. The true story behind The Last of the Mohicans.History In An Hour,24 August 2017, Accessed 11 July 2018 Accessed 11 July 2018 _Mohicans#Historical_background. Accessed 11 July 2018 https://en.wikipedia/wiki/Louis-joseph_de_Montcalm. Accessed 11 July 2018 Accessed 11 July 2018 Accessed 11 July 2018 Accessed 11 July 2018

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mass Legalization For Unauthorized Immigrants - 1619 Words

A recent push to provide amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants in today’s society has become a very contentious issue for Americans. While most United States citizens agree that illegal immigrants violate the basic core of fundamental immigration laws, there remains an unprecedented controversy regarding the possibility of granting amnesty to this growing sector of the population. While some citizens may argue that a mass legalization of immigrants could spark growth in the United States, others speculate that amnesty could create turmoil throughout the country. In the preceding testimony titled â€Å"Mass Legalization for Unauthorized Immigrants Is a Bad Idea† by the American Immigration Control Foundation, the author claims that a mass†¦show more content†¦He points out, â€Å"classic economic theory teaches that as supply of a commodity - in this case, labor - increases, the price will fall† (AICF, 2016). The author was trying to solidify his poi nt by appealing to the emotions of the reader. Clearly, workers in the United States would not want to see their hourly wage decrease due to an influx of migrant workers. Therefore, the writer was likely successful in expressing his viewpoint to the reader. The use of pathos in this paragraph also demonstrates that the author was passionate about his viewpoint. This rhetoric provides a strong and logical transition to the next premise of the argument. The author’s second premise employs ethos and logos to justify the fiscal problems the United States will be forced to encounter by granting amnesty. Currently, the American government is trying to stabilize an ever increasing national debt and find long term solutions for national health care and social security. Adding uneducated and inadequately skilled workers to our population could burden our current entitlement programs and increase public debt. The author warns, â€Å"granting amnesty or legal status to illegals will g enerate costs in Medicare and Social Security alone of $2.5 trillion above any taxes paid in† (AICF, 2016). The use of logos and numerical data build a framework for the author s next few paragraphs. The writerShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of Immigration Reform During The United States Essay1651 Words   |  7 Pagesup a large portion of the people impacted by the outcome reform bill. The Migration Policy Reports, â€Å"Of the 53 million people who identified themselves as Hispanic or Latino, 36 percent (18.9 million) were immigrants.† This brings Latinos to a contributing 46 percent of the entire immigrant population in the United States in 2012, making them the most impacted demographic of this reforms outcome. 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French Court System Free Essays

The French court system is a double pyramid structure. There are two separate orders: administrative courts and judicial courts. Each order has a pyramid structure, with a single court at the top and various courts at the base. We will write a custom essay sample on French Court System or any similar topic only for you Order Now Litigants displeased with a court decision can seek a review before the next court up in the hierarchy. In each order, a single court of last instance ensures that the lower courts interpret the law in the same way. The administrative courts settle disputes between users and public authorities. The Conseil d’Etat hears cases in first and last instance. It is both adviser to the government and the supreme administrative court. †¢The courts with general competence are the administrative courts, administrative appeal courts and the Conseil d’Etat (as a jurisdiction). †¢Administrative courts with special competence are the financial courts (Court of Auditors, Regional Courts of Auditors, Court of Budget and Financial Discipline) and various other tribunals like the disciplinary bodies of professional orders. The judicial courts settle disputes between persons and sanction offences against persons, property and society. There are three categories of judicial court: †¢the courts of first instance: – the civil courts: district courts, regional courts, commercial courts, employment tribunals, agricultural land tribunals, social security tribunals; – the criminal courts: . ordinary courts: police courts, regional criminal courts, assize courts; . specialised courts: juvenile courts, military courts, political courts and the maritime criminal court; local courts, created by Act 2002-1138 of 9 September 2002 to meet the need to make justice more accessible, swifter and capable of dealing more appropriately with small claims and minor offences. Local courts have lay judges; †¢the courts of second instance: the appeal courts; †¢the supreme court: the Court of Cassation, responsible for ensuring compliance with the rules of law applied by lower courts. It judges the fo rm and not the merits, unlike the courts of first and second instance, which judge the facts. How to cite French Court System, Essay examples

Internal Accounting Control Critical Analysis

Question: Discuss about theInternal Accounting Control for Critical Analysis. Answer: Introduction This article refers to internal control in respect of audit program so far AICPA Employees Benefit Plan Audit Center is concerned. The body had framed the guideline to help the upcoming professionals as a sponsor of the plan or administrator or trustee. The basic features to be highlighted for considerations are to emphasize on the issues of implementing plans of internal control over financial reporting. The main features to be discussed are: Need of internal control to this plan Fundamentals of internal control Monitoring the control measures To identify the deficiencies of internal control from the auditor communication and respective plan Foundation of cost effective internal control Way of improvement of effectiveness of plan related to internal control by auditor Search for additional information related to effective internal control Additionally this article will feature helpful instances of control to establish the plan. Definition of Internal Accounting Controls To define internal accounting control of any organization we have to identify its needs and scopes for the better performance of the organization so far transparency and effectiveness related to financial accounting is concerned. Internal accounting control contains several methods or processes which are put in system by the management of any company in order to confirm the integrity of information pertains to financial and accounting, to achieve targets related to operation and profitability with forwarding the mission of the management regarding policies. The best possible practice of internal control is ensured when the same is applied to different divisions and departments of any organization with common objective of the organization. There are different systems of internal control which are not identical in nature and application although many basic philosophies are there related to financial integrity and accounting practices with standard management practices(Investopedia, 201 5). Components of Internal Control System The components of internal control framework are specified by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) InternalControl- Integrated Framework, published in 1992. The same had emphasized on five basic components: The Control Environment Control environment is basically depending upon several in-house factors and working practices of the organization. These factors endorse integrity and ethical values, commitment for competency, attitude of Board and Audit Committee, style of operation and philosophy of management, structure of the organization, and delegation structure of the organization related to authority and policies and practices of human resource management of the company. Risk Assessment Risk assessment is related to audit and client management. While client management risk control can be mitigated by reducing errors and frauds, audit management is properly practiced through identification of inherent risk, control risk and detections risk(Energy, 2016). Control Activities Control activities are depending upon proper implementations of systems highlighting the areas of sufficient division of duties, delegation of authority related to transactions and respective operations, sufficient documentation with records, proper control on assets and respective records physically with self-governing checks on activities. Information and Communication Information plays a vital role in todays business world. Information is consisting of MIS and accounting system. Hence proper monitoring of information is priority for the management transparent communication makes it easy for practicing proper internal control so far accounting is concerned. Monitoring Monitoring of internal control is possible through internal audit system implemented effectively. To ensure proper monitoring of internal accounting control independent internal audit is the priority and demand of the situation. It is desirable that internal audit management should act independently relating to operation of accounting activities. This can be ensured through the reporting of internal audit team to higher authority in the capacity of board of directors or audit committee(JSU, 2015). Examples of Internal Control Examples of internal accounting control are given below: Implementation of system of checks and balances to confirm single authority to exercise control over respective fields of financial transactions Reconciliation of relevant bank account periodically with special emphasis of instruments due for clearance for both payment and receipts Restriction of credit card users with specification of limits and the purpose of spending. Monitoring of budget vs. expense analysis of the organization to control over spending. Fixation of monetary policies of the organization and make it in black and white with approval of Board of Directors Physical checking and monitoring of assets periodically with the notice of normal wear and tear and existence of those physically Protection of cash in the form of petty cash and other cash funds through effective cash management Strict policy towards issuance of financial instruments in the form of checks. To ensure avoidance of transactions with the parties of conflict of interest(OHM, 2015). Benefits of Internal Control in Business There are certain advantages of practicing internal accounting control by the management to ascertain smooth running of the business with integrity and ethics. The following points can be considered as the merits of practicing internal accounting control within the organization: The system of internal accounting control facilitates the system of protecting the assets from the bad impacts of misuse. Accident, theft etc. This system also ensures the implementation of management policies for accomplishment of corporate objectives. Proper system of internal accounting control facilitates the role of auditor to act as watch dog related to financial and accounting system of any organization by ensuring detection of intentional and unintentional mistakes in the form of frauds and errors in the financial accounting system(Aicpa, 2015). This system enhances the scope of controlling the integrity of the organization by way of reliability with accuracy related to financial statement and the respective record covered under the books of accounts. This system emphasizes on the role of HR so far their work is concerned with the division of work with proper level of delegation of authority bestowed to ensure proper smooth work on daily basis. Proper implementation of internal accounting control can ensure preparation and implementation of effective and systematic plans to confirm correctness of information. Internal control also plays the role of alarming the staff to ensure correctness of the work in respect of accounting(Accountlearning, 2016). Limitation of Internal Accounting Control As for other controls practiced in the business system, internal accounting control also faces some limitations. These limitations are mainly related to cost effectiveness. The main objective of the system of internal control is to ensure correctness of the financial accounting system with the help of systems implemented and with the available human resources in the operation of accounting. There are different process of internal control prevalent in the accounting and financial management of the organization. While big companies are insisting on the application of strong internal audit team headed by audit committee, small companies are insisting on strong MIS with standardized accounting software(Hill, 2014). Cost of implementation of a specific control system should not exceed the anticipated benefit of thecontrol process. It is one of the basic concepts for the implementation of control system. As human being is involved in the process of executing the job and implementing control, it is always to ensure that the situation should not drive them towards any unethical situation(Libin, 2015). The ultimate objective of strong internal control is to reduce three types audit risks- inherent, control and detection. While all these risks are related to material misstatement due to different reasons like intentional and unintentional errors. While inherent risk is related to unintentional error, control risk is detected as concept of fraud or misstatement due to lack of control. To avoid such happening, internal control is being practiced. Still if its there, there is no use of practicing the same. Internal accounting control can have it limitation by the application while the material misstatement happens and this requires regular survey to find new scope of fraudulent activities by the person concerned by avoiding the existing scope of internal control(K-state, 2015). Real Cases Real cases of practice of internal control and its limitations can be found in case of resignation of KPMG as official auditor of FIFA as they could not stop the corruption of the world football body in spite of their best efforts. Toshiba had faced such occurrence in 2015 when they were accused with massive accounting scandal and this erased the importance of internal control in such big MNC(Toshiba, 2015). The involvement of top level management flouting the norms of internal control had been observed in case China Essence Group where the CEO was involved in the process of manipulating stocks(Agnew, 2016). Conclusion None can deny the role of internal accounting control and it is evident that it can play a vital role for the healthy and ethical operation of any organization. It is most important to place the proper system of internal accounting control to ensure the integrity and professionalism of the company and it should be practiced at all levels of the organization. This can ensure the best possible operation of the company through proper delegation of authority to be practiced even if some efforts of misconduct can be initiated by some people in the organization. References: Accountlearning, 2016. Concept Of Internal Control And Its Advantages. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 November 2016]. Agnew, H., 2016. KPMG Switzerland resigns as Fifa auditor. [Online] [Accessed 10 November 2016]. Aicpa, 2015. The Importance of Internal Control in Financial Reporting and Safeguarding Plan Assets. [Online] [Accessed 10 November 2016]. Energy, 2016. Internal Control Evaluations. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 November 2016]. Hill, R., 2014. Limitations of Internal Control in Financial Reporting. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 November 2016]. Investopedia, 2015. Internal Controls. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 November 2016]. JSU, 2015. Section 404 Audits of Internal Control and Control Risk. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 November 2016]. K-state, 2015. Internal Control Limitations. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 November 2016]. Libin, Z., 2015. Troubled China Essence unable to file Q2 results. [Online] [Accessed 10 November 2016]. OHM, 2015. Top Ten Internal Controls to Prevent And Detect Fraud! [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 November 2016]. Toshiba, 2015. Toshibas accounts. [Online] [Accessed 10 November 2016].